One Month

Today marks one month since we were last in school. That first week in March was actually Spring Break and not lockdown, but in reality, we have been mostly just living in our cramped one bedroom apartment since that time. The temps are in the 40-50 today, and I just got back from a walk and biking. Gina is cooking.

 Today, I will do some school work and maybe go out and bike again if the wind isn't too bad. I planted some things on the deck for something to do, I am not sure how I will bring them to harvest, but seeing seedlings come up will be fun. I am watching Governor Cuomo of New York giving his sort of "fireside chat" as probably the best daily voice to listen to during this hard time. The president on the other hand with his rambling, childish speeches is almost a waste of time. I sometimes just watch because the absurdity sometimes brings a laugh.
I am working on my fourth Murakami novel, so may spend some time doing that as well. I also submitted an essay to the Paul Gruchow essay contest this morning. Trying to keep busy and sane. This would be a great time to live out on the farm where there would be so many possibilities.


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