Art Deco/Streamline Moderne Tractors as Art

The Art Deco and Streamline Moderne styles dominated style in various forms from the 1920's into the early 1950's. Some of the most iconic pieces of architecture and art of the early to mid 20th Century are embodiments of this style. Among my favorite examples are the works of A.M. Cassandre. His Poster for Nord Express is the sheer manifestation of the styling that is Art Deco and Streamline Moderne. Also the innovative work of the many artists and designers of the Bauhaus School of which the Art Deco face on the left side of my page is a product. Tractors were not immune to the prevailing styling ethos of the age. It was an aesthetic that evoked speed, modernism and the sleek, sheer lines of machine age man. This advertisement for Renault tractors is in fact a print featuring an Art Deco tractor. The tractor, with unique styling is a pre-war Renault PE. Henry Dreyfuss, designer of many products like phones and thermostats that are easily recognizable to many of us today, restyled John Deere tractors in 1938. He created the still iconic style that is almost emblematic of tractors in art and popular culture. Other tractor companies had either preceded or soon followed John Deere in creating some of the most well styled tractors of history. The late 1940's David Brown Cropmaster pictured below is another fine example of style at the height of the machine age.


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