A Without Leaving The House

It has been a full week since I did anything outside except for walking or biking several miles. I have even started to go out my ground floor sliding door and the deck to avoid two doors to get out of the apartment. It is as easy to walk out on the deck as to go through the building. We have ordered a handful of things online, but are mostly relying on a stockpile in the chest freezer and cupboards. We have enough to go through several more weeks if need be.

My day consists of getting up, working on school work and communicating with students. This is interspersed with reading and watching news and trying to get out and walk or bike if the weather behaves. Last week, there were several 50ish days that I was able to get out and do several miles. I have been working my way through the novels of Haruki Murakami which is the only real true joy in this forced anchorite enclosure.


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