Trying to Go

A blizzard brought everything to a standstill Monday when we were scheduled to leave for our Tuesday morning flight. Stranded, it took a whole day and a few thousand extra to reschedule something that would fit with our trip. Wednesday, we drove to Bismarck on still difficult roads to stay. Next morning, we got to the airport and jumped on a flight to San Francisco. Arriving in San Francisco, we realized that our Philippine airlines flight for that night was postponed until the next morning at 11:30. We took an airport shuttle to the Gateway Inn and Suites which was as cheap and nice as it gets. Next morning, we saddled up again and got on our rugged 15 hour nonstop flight to Manila. Arriving here last night, we arrived at our hotel to crash about 8 a.m home time with little sleep.Six hours later, I am up writing this as we prepare for our first day in Manila.
Gina's brother, sister and some other family are here and we will be spending the day with them.


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