A Trip

Stopped in Provo Utah at Econolodge after a long day driving from Miles City Montana. The stretch on 94 along the Yellowstone River is always scenic. At Bozeman, we stopped to grab a quick bite before heading south on 191 along the Gallatin River. A great drive. Connecting with I-15 at Idaho Falls, we drove south and stopped for lunch at the Hells Half Acre rest area. It would be fun to have some more time to explore this interesting volcanic landscape. On the road again, we pushed south to a Shell station truck stop in the middle of nowhere just before crossing the pass into Utah.

Yesterday, we drove Highway 12 across SD/ND to Marmarth. Marmarth is one of those few towns that break from the flat grid in the middle of the prairie that characterizes most plains towns. The badlands in this area are a more subdued version of further north, yet are still very picturesque. My favorite part of this stretch is the rugged pine ridged hill country between Baker MT and Miles City. A nice quiet drive, which I'd like to take a little slower one day to explore some of the southeast Montana sights.

Driving across beautiful landscape is one of my favorite pastimes. To pass the time, we talked, listened tot music and pushed through Phillip K. Dick's book the Man in the High Castle. When we get back, we will watch the series on Amazon.

On Sunday the 3rd, we awoke in quiet Provo Utah at Econolodge. The great thing about the long city and suburb of greater Salt Lake is that no matter where one lives, the Wasatch range provides one of the best viewsheds anywhere.

Unlike the day before, we didn't really take any breaks with the exception of a burrito in Cedar City. Dropping down from Cedar City to St George the temperature went from a post rain, high altitude 65 degrees to 102 as I filled on gas. Driving through Vegas and part of the Mojave in California the temperature hit 113 as we dropped down to heights around 2000-2500 feet. I've never been further than the Nevada California border so I was surprised at the extent of the Mojave. There is an interesting juxtaposition in that California is mostly empty land where the Creosote bush is in no danger of extinction, with a narrow populated band along the coast. We pushed on to Fortunata, stopping at around 630 local time to crash at a Comfort Inn.

The drive on the 3rd took it out of me and we slept late...although it was only 8 a.m, it was 10 a.m our time at home. We tried to contact my uncle and aunt in Menife and drove by. We then connected with the 5 and stopped by the beach to watch surfers. It would have been nice to spend more time here and relax. Plus, about half the guys surfing looked middle aged, but I think I'm too old. We then cruised down to our hotel the Urban Botique Hotel downtown, at a great calzone in Little Italy, took a nap and walked over to Ross Dress for less. Raiding Ross along our drive has become our money saving stop and my wife's relaxation valve. Last year, we subsidized our trip with the savings and this year may be the same.


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