Looking to Raise the Bar on the Bed

By middle age one acquires a lot of stuff. Most of it isn't worth much and is only valuable because of the usefulness or sentimentality. The idea of the Murphy bed has been around for a long time, yet until recently, I associated it with pre-WWII apartment living. My newfound initiative toward tiny houses and living efficiently in small spaces has me looking at them anew. Since we have two small bedrooms, a bed takes up and enormous amount of space that is wasted the 16 hours of the day you aren't sleeping. No matter where it is placed within a modest sized room, it precludes many activities. Need to do yoga or utilize a temporary workspace...sorry, no room. The tiny home movement has many answers to the bed problem such as stacking it on top of storage, sliding it into the wall or folding up. So far, this Next Bed model has me interested as a platform I can build around.


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