A Great Day

I'm very proud of my niece who graduated from high school today. It is the first graduation that I've been to in awhile and it makes one reflect by looking back and forward. If I knew at 18 what I know in middle age, many starts, stops and backward moments would have been avoided. I hope that she can move ahead with the foresight I never had.

Afterward, Gina and I went to Kohls to check out the bargain racks. We always get a little uncomfortable entertainment when purchasing cheap clothing made in east or Southeast Asia so that we can put in the mail to send back to family in Asia. Globalization allows cheap goods to travel thousands of miles so that I can buy a 5 dollar shirt made by people who can't buy it. I bought four five dollar shirts that I don't need. What if I paid 20 dollars for that same shirt...would that be reflected in the wages? I don't need four cheap shirts. Henry Ford always believed that he should pay his workers a wage so that they could afford the products they are making and that transformed America. Unfortunately, that is not where we are today. We could all use less useless shit and more quality shit that those who make it can also afford because of their wages.


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