Electric, Hybrid or Fuel?

I'm wondering if the time has almost arrived?  I'm excited about the day when I may be able to purchase an all electric car. New models are beginning to have ranges that are almost practical in a rural state. Still, they will have to break the 200 and even 300 mile range to become really practical. Tesla is already there, but who other than the Elon Musks of the world can afford one of those?  It is not uncommon to have 400 mile round trips in this neck of the plains, so it may be awhile before mileage and affordability reach the point where it is practical.

 A few years ago, I purchased my first almost new car with 500 miles on it. At the time, several good hybrids were available, yet I chose one of the most fuel efficient gas models I could find. The price and maintenance premium for hybrids was and remains considerably higher than a fuel efficient compact, while they only return a modest increase in fuel economy and may incur additional unseen  environmental costs due to their unique manufacturing needs. Like myself, many others do the same calculation and purchase cars that have modest operational costs,  while still having a relatively light environmental footprint. The day is coming...I hope, when I can purchase an electric car and charge it with my solar panels.


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