For several years, the idea of walking the Camino De Santiago (Way of St James) on the Camino Frances in Northern Spain has held special appeal. Not only is it a great way to see a country, but I would be walking a trail that is so historic, that others have walked it for over 1000 years. There is nothing like a good long hike to allow a person to think things out, clear the head, get in shape and see some country. In the case of the Camino, people have been doing this for hundreds of years. One day, I hope to make this trek.

The recent movie The Way starring Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez is a great introduction to the experience of walking this storied path. It was good to see a man my age and my father's age making this trek. The Camino, which has been gaining in popularity since the 1980's, may see even more tourist this year after they see this film. I think I will wait until the crowds die down.

In anticipation of a future trek on the Camino, I read Walk Far, Carry Less by Jean-Christine Ashmore. This is a great little book full of firsthand advice from someone who has walked several routes of the Camino. The main thrust of the book is just as her title says: how to carry less to make the journey better. Personally, having experimented with lightweight backpacking on many occasions, several of here ideas were familiar to me. Still, she had many new ideas to offer as well. For example, I took here advice and ordered a J.R. Liggetts Traveller Bar that I will carry with me on my next trip. Even if you are familiar with lightweight backpacking and travel, this book offers many "Camino specific" pieces of advice that are worth the time it takes to read this book.


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