Sustainable Library of the Future

The future of structures is in creating self contained sustainability. The less a structure depends on the outside world to provide inputs...the more sustainable it will be. Ultimately, creating a better future relies on creating more local economies for electricity, goods, services and food. These principles apply to local communities as well as structures. This doesn't play well for the economic carnival called globalization that many are so keen on. Then, global climate change doesn't care much for this carnival.
My dream is to create a library that is self contained and actually gives back to the local microclimate as well as the surrounding community. Imagine a structure that PRODUCES energy from surplus solar or wind. It will be a building that needs a minimum of energy to begin with, because of its efficiency of design. A building that collects the water it sheds to provide water for greenery. It will be a building that blends seamlessly with the local semi-arid grassland environment providing a low maintenance and aesthetic appearance. It will be a building that can become a model for other buildings and communities: as an example of efficient sustainable design that can weather the storms of climate change.
I found a good place to start in a nice little document created with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services called Sustainable Library Design
I am hoping to research the best in the field and create something sustainable for the price of something regular.
My odyssey begins with a visit to Minneapolis Public Library building in downtown Minneapolis. Stay tuned.


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