Britney Spears Shaves Back Hair

This would be an amazing news story if it were actually real. Shaving her head is pretty passé. Back hair shaving is the new cutting edge of going over the edge.
What is actually important, is a story that receives little news coverage. It is the mass die off of bees across the United States. In fact, I first read about it on the BBC. Bees are dying mysteriously and there is only mystery as to why. These are the little unheralded engines of agriculture that keep the system we take for granted running. Without bees, food production will come to a stop or very near to it.
Maybe Britney will shave her back hair to raise awareness about the plight of bees?
I really didn't think about the importance of pollinators until I read Stephen Buchman and Gary Nabhan's book
Forgotten Pollinators. This is an interesting look at the complex many faceted world of pollination in the deserts of the Southwest. Gary Nabhan's books are all great reads that make me think more carefully about the food I eat and the world I live in.


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