
We hooked up a 20ft horse trailer to an F-250 and left Fort Yates for Fargo. Fargo Public library, in a magnaminous gesture, offered its shelving to any libraries housing librarians with strong backs and weak minds. I immediately decided we needed some of this fine vintage 1968 shelving for our library. Fargo Public is utilizing Soviet style thinking to aquire new shelving. It is a brilliant plan that would make any self respecting Aparatchik blush.
After a previous trip, my friend and I worked out a system of dissasembly and loading that cut the time taken to dissasemble in half. What on the first trip two weeks ago had been ardous and taxing, turned into a leisurly day in the cavernous, asbestos laden spaces of the once proud, always ugly, 1960's monument to modernist style. May she go down fast and die a peaceful death. Let the new, meaningful and utilitarian architecture rise in her place like a library phoenix.


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