Norwegians Gathered

The local Mayville, North Dakota newspaper became known as The People's Press for a few years in the late teens. This interesting quasi-socialistic name coincided roughly with the rise and fall of the only quasi-socialist organization to ever control a state: the Nonpartisan League.

In June of 1918 Norwegians gathered in Mayville for the state convention of the Sons of Norway. What is interesting is the tenor of the convention. The ongoing war in Europe was leading to anti-imigrant and pro-English sentiments across the country. The convention goes on record that the delegates fail to see the reason behind orders in some states barring non-English languages.
"That considering the loyalty of practically every element speaking foreign languages in the country and recognizing that the spiritual and mental welfare of these people are dependent on their attending religious services they can understand and reading books and publications that will keep them abreast of the times and help make them better citizens, we fail to see, without reference to the question of legality, the wisdom of the Governor of Iowas' indiscrimnate order against all languages..."
America has always had a love/hate relationship with new immigrant groups. They are the source of our strength, while at the same time we fear that they will sap that strength. It is interesting to see that my own ancestors were once treated as some immigrant groups are today.


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