Local ala' Wikipedia

Wikipedia is the much criticized web encyclopedia that can be edited by anyone. The accuracy of some pages is questioned...and should always be questioned. This said, as a librarian, I love it. Where Wikipedia can potentially shine is in the area of local knowledge. An individual can add their little tidbits about something they know intimately.
NPR had a story about a Holocaust survivor who edited her own Wikipedia article about herself. I couldn't find this story on NPR.org.
The only non-advertising web hit in Google for Clifford North Dakota comes up in Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifford,_North_Dakota The dearth of information on Clifford anywhere in print could make Wikipedia a wealth of information on little one horse towns. In the absence of information, any information creates wealth.
For example, I have added a little info to the Sitting Bull College entry at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sitting_Bull_College This could potentially become "THE" definitive place for SBC history.....If I ever get around to it.


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