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A Program That Makes Sense

Most containers, like this glass juice bottle, have a 10-cent redemption value keeping them out of the waste stream.  While we were in Oregon this year, I looked into their bottle redemption program. Oregon is one of a handful of states that have such a program. Our relatives save their containers to take to a local redemption center where an account is credited. In addition to keeping things out of the waste stream and leading to a higher percentage of recycled material, it creates an economy for something by viewing it not as waste, but resource.  There are two types of bags, green and blue. Green is for a personal account and blue is to donate your container proceeds to a charity. When we went to the local Catholic church for a holiday service, they had a stack of blue bags for donations to their school. I wonder how much more funding this brings to various charities.  An interesting option that to my mind should be available in every state.

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